Saturday, April 22, 2017

"Old Root Lady"

The Old Root Lady who lives down the lane... Herbs and crystals and powerful roots, played with a vitality to which only "The Root Lady" knows the incantation to draw out their healing quintessence needed to help any woodland creatures or small beings that might be in need......    $175  Sold



  1. Wow! The old lady is precious:) Looks like she has just came out of fairy tale. Is she for sale?)

  2. Should We get yourself a haunted doll? I want a haunted doll.
    I found a location that allow s you "adopt"
    them and I thought that was awesome. I want one
    because I love paranormal stuff but my brother is scared and my
    father thinks that stuff is usually stupid. I told him I was
    thinking about obtaining one and he told me how unfortunate it really is that I believe that stuff.

    Am... show more There is no such thing.
